Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Aug 2, 2009 19:53
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Mar 5, 2012 16:09

Hercules Elf Bot - Aug 2, 2009 19:53

Originally posted by [b]Jobbie[/b]

I just find out in the latest item updates that there are a missing/wrong bonuses on it.. I just compared it from an Aegis item script and Item description and I confirmed that there are missing.

Here is the item.

1. 1544#Lunakaligo
Latest eA update on it

1544,Lunakaligo,Lunakaligo,4,20,,700,110,,1,3,0x00008110,2,2,2,3,50,1,8,{ if(readparam(bStr) >= 77){ bonus bAspdRate,4; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1500; } bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItemGroup,IG_Food,2,500; bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItemGroup,IG_Food,3,500; bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItemGroup,IG_Food,5,500; },{},{}

Aegis script
item Lunakaligo
    event OnStartEquip:
        if (get[VAR_STANDARD_STR] > 76)
            AddExtParam User VAR_PLUSASPDPERCENT 4
            AddState_MLEATK    Target BODYStun 150
            AddReceiveItem_Race RACE_Fish Luk_Dish04 500
            AddReceiveItem_Race RACE_Animal Str_Dish03 500
            AddReceiveItem_Race RACE_Plant Dex_Dish05 500

I think it should be based on the monsters race that is being attack. Should be use bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,n,x,y; which according to the description of that bonus
When killing monsters from race x with physical attack, the probability which drops item n +y% (the item which the monster drops unrelated ones)

It should be
1544,Lunakaligo,Lunakaligo,4,20,,700,110,,1,3,0x00008110,2,2,2,3,50,1,8,{ if(readparam(bStr) >= 77){ bonus bAspdRate,4; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1500; } bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,Luk_Dish04,5,500; bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,Str_Dish03,3,500; bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,Dex_Dish05,3,500; },{},{}

EDIT: Just wondering what is RC_Animal in eA.. is it equivalent to RC_Brute? O-o

2. 1637#Eraser
eA's Update

1637,Eraser,Eraser,4,20,,500,80,,1,0,0x00018314,2,2,2,4,70,1,10,{ bonus bMatkRate,20; bonus bInt,3; bonus bDex,2; bonus bSPrecovRate,8; },{},{}

Aegis script
event OnStartEquip:
        var temp = 1
        if GetRefineLevel [LOCATION_RARM] > 9
            var temp = 3
        SetAutoSpellMagic NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN temp User 5
        AddExtParam User VAR_MAGICATKPERCENT 5
        AddExtParam User VAR_SPACCELERATION 8

In the description of the item there is

There is a small chance while magically attacking, on a radius 11 * 11 of your cell and drain every enemies SP by 20%.

that means the skill NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN should be implemented so that the function of draining enemies SP will be done.

Thats all I will report for now.. Waiting for feedback from eA developers (esp. L0ne_Wolf) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

This post has been edited by Jobbie: Aug 2 2009, 01:01 PM