Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Aug 6, 2009 22:09
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Apr 5, 2012 10:22

Hercules Elf Bot - Aug 6, 2009 22:09

Originally posted by [b]AquaWolf[/b]

Today the server crashed and i MAYBE think i know why! apparently, your slave clones, if they use skills on another mob it can cause crashes, like this crash, my scholar clone used a weapon endow on probably my monster @summon that i had walking with me. Or against another clone... or EMP... it was in an EMP room.

This might be also related to my first report at;showbug=3463
maybe a clone wanted to cast something on a pet... lol but im not sure about that at all. But something near the lines i guess.

Since i added an item that can make a clone of you at a low chance, but also @summon a monster.

Please note that i got my own mods in the source, so the lines will lie to you if you compare them to your own source. But the src mods has nothing to do with the crashes and that i can ensure you about.

0x0808ed35 in status_get_class (bl=0xb366ad6c) at status.c:4095
4095            case BL_MOB: return ((TBL_MOB*)bl)->vd->class_; //Class used on all code should be the view class of the mob.
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x0808ed35 in status_get_class (bl=0xb366ad6c) at status.c:4095
        __FUNCTION__ = "status_get_class"
#1  0x0811eb38 in battle_calc_weapon_attack (src=0xb366ad6c, target=0xffc1490, skill_num=368,
    skill_lv=<value optimized out>, wflag=0) at battle.c:2074
        s_class = <value optimized out>
        cardfix = <value optimized out>
        skillratio = <value optimized out>
        skill = <value optimized out>
        s_ele = 0
        s_ele_ = 0
        t_class = 24
        i = <value optimized out>
        nk = <value optimized out>
        n_ele = 0 '\0'
        sd = (struct map_session_data *) 0x0
        tsd = (struct map_session_data *) 0xffc1490
        wd = {damage = 22667, damage2 = 0, type = 0, div_ = 1, amotion = 102, dmotion = 400, blewcount = 0, flag = 273,
  dmg_lv = ATK_DEF}
        sc = (struct status_change *) 0x0
        tsc = (struct status_change *) 0xffc1728
        sstatus = (struct status_data *) 0xb366af54
        tstatus = (struct status_data *) 0xffc16d8
        flag = {hit = 1, cri = 0, idef = 1, idef2 = 1, pdef = 0, pdef2 = 0, infdef = 0, arrow = 0, rh = 1, lh = 0,
  weapon = 1}
        __FUNCTION__ = "battle_calc_weapon_attack"
#2  0x08122958 in battle_calc_attack (attack_type=1, bl=0xb366ad6c, target=0xffc1490, skill_num=368, skill_lv=5, count=0)
    at battle.c:2820
        d = {damage = -1208555292, damage2 = 0, type = 1, div_ = -1208555148, amotion = 260277364, dmotion = -1208555292,
  blewcount = 110021070, flag = -1076979608, dmg_lv = 134800554}
#3  0x080e9b3b in skill_attack (attack_type=1, src=0xb366ad6c, dsrc=0xb366ad6c, bl=0xffc1490, skillid=368, skilllv=5,
    tick=131274490, flag=0) at skill.c:1626
        dmg = {damage = 16816472, damage2 = -1285116076, type = -1285115992, div_ = 0, amotion = 0, dmotion = 260699676,
  blewcount = 0, flag = -1236541372, dmg_lv = ATK_DEF}
        sstatus = (struct status_data *) 0xb366af54
        tstatus = (struct status_data *) 0xffc16d8
        sc = (struct status_change *) 0xffc1728
        sd = (struct map_session_data *) 0x0
        tsd = (struct map_session_data *) 0xffc1490
        type = <value optimized out>
        damage = <value optimized out>
        rdamage = <value optimized out>
        __FUNCTION__ = "skill_attack"
#4  0x081230c3 in battle_weapon_attack (src=0xb366ad6c, target=0xffc1490, tick=131274490, flag=0) at battle.c:3065
        skilllv = 5
        sd = (struct map_session_data *) 0x0
        tsd = (struct map_session_data *) 0xffc1490
        sstatus = (struct status_data *) 0xb366af54
        tstatus = (struct status_data *) 0xffc16d8
        sc = (struct status_change *) 0xb366afa8
        tsc = (struct status_change *) 0xffc1728
        damage = <value optimized out>
        rdamage = <value optimized out>
        rdelay = <value optimized out>
        skillv = <value optimized out>
        wd = {damage = 47, damage2 = 75, type = 5, div_ = 22, amotion = 0, dmotion = 134544331, blewcount = 135615058,
  flag = 2203, dmg_lv = 3217988112}
        __FUNCTION__ = "battle_weapon_attack"
#5  0x0813e37b in unit_attack_timer (tid=897, tick=131274490, id=110021070, data=0) at unit.c:1567
        bl = (struct block_list *) 0xb366ad6c
#6  0x08147972 in do_timer (tick=131274504) at timer.c:330
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        tid = 897
        diff = -14
        __FUNCTION__ = "do_timer"
#7  0x08144fee in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfce9b64) at core.c:253
        next = <value optimized out>

Hopefully any of this info is right, and if so, i hope theres a fix to it, because summon mobs and clones is kind of fun for events and such. Lots of my scripts relays on them.

but i will like to hear anything about this, if any...

thank you

This post has been edited by AquaWolf: Aug 6 2009, 03:32 PM

Hercules Elf Bot - Dec 20, 2011 5:24

Originally posted by [b]Ind[/b]
was fixed in a previous eA revision