Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Feb 13, 2010 19:49
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Mar 5, 2012 15:00

Hercules Elf Bot - Feb 13, 2010 19:49

Originally posted by [b]theultramage[/b]

I received a report about an exploit with the custom eAAC coin banker npc, with a video that demonstrated how the issue could be reproduced easily.

Below is the offending code. Notice how the countitem() check is only done at the beginning, followed by a chain of 'next' statements before the actual processing is done (beginner scripter's mistake, I wonder how the reviewers missed this). Also, due to how the actual processing steps are ordered (first get zeny, then delete item), even the recent delitem() script halting system is not able to trap this issue before it's too late.

        input @coinamount;
        if (@coinamount <= 0) {
            mes @npcname$;
            mes "You didn't input any amount, please retry";
            goto L_Inputing;
        } else if (countitem(getarg(0)) < @coinamount) {
            mes @npcname$;
            mes "You don't have enough coins, please get some";
            goto L_Menu;
        } else if (@coinamount*getarg(1) > @MAX_ZENY) {
            mes @npcname$;
            mes "I'm sorry, the quantity you inputted gives a bigger zeny amount than the max allowed. I can't allow this.";
            goto L_Menu;
        mes @npcname$;
        mes "So, you want to exchange "+@coinamount+" "+@coinname$+" ?";
        menu "Yes, I want to exchange this much",-,"No, I want to exchange something else",L_CoinZeny,"No, I want to input another number",L_Inputing,"No, I dont want to exchange anything",L_Menu;
        set @price,getarg(1)*@coinamount;
        set Zeny,Zeny+@price;
        delitem getarg(0),@coinamount;