Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Mar 5, 2010 23:21
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Mar 5, 2012 15:58

Hercules Elf Bot - Mar 5, 2010 23:21

Originally posted by [b]NoH[/b]

moc_fild21,178,239,0    script    Group of Evil#edq    844,1,1,{
    if (((rebirth_moc_edq == 4) || (rebirth_moc_edq == 7)) && ($@re_moc == 1)) {
        set $@re_moc,2;
        mes "Awed by the time-space gap where darkness is given life, you instinctively step back.";
        mes "You can feel the power of the darkness rise from the gap where light and darkness are mingled.";
        mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]";
        mes "Wah...!";
        donpcevent "Satan Summon#edq::OnEnable";

As stated in another bug report, if a player dies before he presses the close2 button, we're screwed, so:

moc_fild21,178,239,0    script    Group of Evil#edq    844,1,1,{
    if (((rebirth_moc_edq == 4) || (rebirth_moc_edq == 7)) && ($@re_moc == 1)) {
//        set $@re_moc,2;
        mes "Awed by the time-space gap where darkness is given life, you instinctively step back.";
        mes "You can feel the power of the darkness rise from the gap where light and darkness are mingled.";
        mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]";
        mes "Wah...!";
        if ($@re_moc==2) end; // Bugfix (les 2 lignes suivantes): set de la variable déplacé ici pour ne pas beuguer la quête si le perso meurt avant d'avoir appuyé sur "close". Rajout d'un check avant pour ne pas pouvoir spawn plusieurs Satans. [No Healing]
        set $@re_moc,2;
        donpcevent "Satan Summon#edq::OnEnable";

Princes quest:

    if (nk_prince == 1) {
        mes "[Inspector]";
        mes "What's wrong with you?";
        mes "This is not an open area!";
        switch(select("Alright, Alright.:The Messenger directed me here.")) {
        case 1:
            mes "[Inspector]";
            mes "If you know it, why are you here? Get out of here!";
            close2; // Bugfix sans close2, on ne peut pas voir ce dialogue vu qu'il y a un warp juste après. [NoH]
            warp "prontera",155,353;

I added a close2 or you'll never see the dialog since you're warped right after.

Pretty nasty piece of code here:

    else {
        mes "[Inspector]";
        mes "Hello, appraiser.";
        mes "I hope you are able to finish your mission perfectly. Have you met with all the princes, like I told you to?";
        switch(select("Yes.:No.")) {
        case 1:
            mes "[Inspector]";
            mes "Very well.";
            mes "I like hearing about the princes.";
        case 2:
            mes "[Inspector]";
            mes "Don't be coy. I'm sure you have done it already.";

With a simple "else" a char who has not started the quest yet gets this dialog, which is meaning less, so I'd rather do something like:

    else if ( nk_prince ) { // Bugfix: si on met un simple else on aura ce dialogue sans avoir commencé la quête, ce qui n'a pas de sens. [NoH]
        mes "[Inspector]";
        mes "Hello, appraiser.";
        mes "I hope you are able to finish your mission perfectly. Have you met with all the princes, like I told you to?";
        switch(select("Yes.:No.")) {
        case 1:
            mes "[Inspector]";
            mes "Very well.";
            mes "I like hearing about the princes.";
        case 2:
            mes "[Inspector]";
            mes "Don't be coy. I'm sure you have done it already.";
    else { // Je réutilise le dialogue du début, en supprimant l'option pour débloquer la quête. [NoH]
        mes "[Inspector]";
        mes "What's wrong with you?";
        mes "This is not an open area!";
        select("Alright, Alright.");
        mes "[Inspector]";
        mes "If you know it, why are you here? Get out of here!";
        close2; // Bugfix sans close2, on ne peut pas voir ce dialogue vu qu'il y a un warp juste après. [NoH]
        warp "prontera",155,353;

(I recycled the very first dialog).

This post has been edited by NoH: Mar 5 2010, 04:28 PM

Hercules Elf Bot - Dec 20, 2011 10:18

Originally posted by [b]calciumkid[/b]
Fixed. Second part, yet again, makes little sense.

People should make more understandable bug reports.