Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Mar 19, 2012 16:29
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Apr 19, 2012 18:57

Hercules Elf Bot - Mar 19, 2012 16:29

Originally posted by [b]Epoque[/b]
Currently, when the map-server sends a changesex request to the char-server, the char-server performs a native SQL query to retrieve the summative values for the skills that the player has learned. It counts the total skill points invested by the Bard/Clown/Dancer/Gypsy, but does not check for skills learned by Minstrel/Wanderer. This means that on changesex, unlike the 1st & 2nd classes, it does not provide the skill points for the 3rd classes.

[code]if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "UPDATE `%s` SET `skill_point` = `skill_point` +"
" (SELECT SUM(lv) FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id` = '%d' AND `id` >= '315' AND `id` <= '330' AND `lv` > '0')"
" WHERE `char_id` = '%d'",
char_db, skill_db, char_id[i], char_id[i]) )
if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id` = '%d' AND `id` >= '315' AND `id` <= '330'", skill_db, char_id[i]) )

Missing similar code for Minstrel/Wanderer skills. The reason I'm reporting this is whether we need to modify the existing code, or perhaps re-write the code to better serve the purposes of the individual classes. Regardless, this is something that needs fixing.

Hercules Elf Bot - Mar 20, 2012 14:04

Originally posted by [b]Epoque[/b]
Fixed in [rev='15735'], could possibly do with being re-written partially to use the player skill-tree though (for optimisation sake), but non-the-less works perfectly fine.