Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Mar 25, 2012 3:17
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
May 18, 2012 11:45
Yes (8)
No (0)

Hercules Elf Bot - Mar 25, 2012 3:17

Originally posted by [b]Angezerus[/b]
This one is a very old and very very annoying bug.

When starting the attack from outside of the attack range, the character movement is bugged when it is trying to reach attack range.
I noticed 5 different cases:

1: Attacking horizontally/vertically an enemy from outside of the attack range makes the character to stop just outside of the attack range and do nothing. This state will last forever or util the player moves manually.

2: Attacking diagonally an enemy from outside of the attack range makes the character to move 2-3 cells inside the attack range, potentially enabling mobs to reach the player. This is very annoying with ranged characters.

3: Attacking from a position between diagonal an horizontal/vertical outside of the attack range makes the character to move 2-3 cells inside the attack range and also the character's movement trembles when reaching the attack range.

4: Attacking an enemy moving towards the character makes the character to overrun the target, then it stops and walks back to the enemy. During the whole pass and return, the enemy is able to attack, and this wastes time and hp every time the enemy lands a hit because of this "yoyo" movement.

5: Attacking an enemy moving away from the character makes the character to catch up, then stop, then the enemy moves out of range and the character runs after, then stops, enemy moves out of range and all over again until the enemy reaches it's destination.

The first 3 cases can be seen in my video:

I used a ranged character to make it more visible where is the attack range, but this bugged movement is present during both meelee and ranged attacks (moves), and also with skills. In the case of skills attacking from outside of range makes the character to stop on the edge of the cast range and do nothing, and then you have to recast the skill to make it work.

Please do something about this issue if it's possible, because this is one of the most annoying bugs and it is as old as eAthena and rAthena...

This post has been edited by Angezerus on Mar 25, 2012 3:25

Hercules Elf Bot - Mar 25, 2012 4:18

Originally posted by [b]Kaito_Kid[/b]
Agree and I have tried it.

Hercules Elf Bot - Apr 3, 2012 16:55

Originally posted by [b]KeiKun[/b]
This is Duplicate...


This post has been edited by Brian on Apr 3, 2012 17:21

Hercules Elf Bot - Apr 3, 2012 18:28

Originally posted by [b]Angezerus[/b]
Sry, didn't notice. As I can see the original is 3 years old. What happened?

This post has been edited by Angezerus on Apr 3, 2012 18:30

Hercules Elf Bot - May 2, 2012 2:58

Originally posted by [b]Ind[/b]
Fixed the issue with the attack range, as for diagonals it belongs to bugreport:3452 and as for the way player walks to mobs and doesn't stop at the proper time please create a new bug report because i'm not sure its not how official servers behave otherwise i'd try to fix it. thank you again for taking so much time into elaborating your bug reports, helps a lot.
Fixed in [rev=16034]