Issue information

Issue ID
Unable to Fix
Hercules Elf Bot
Dec 16, 2007 15:48
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Feb 21, 2012 7:58

Hercules Elf Bot - Dec 16, 2007 15:48

Originally posted by [b]ArmisaelXVIII[/b]

This is not really a bug but a troublesome behavior. The Quest of the Skeleton Manteau requires 2 Manteu[1], the point is that a player completed the quest while having equiped a Inmune Manteau +7, and the script took that manteau an one of the manteu[1]+0

Could be possible to at least modify the way that the script or the code behaves so the items without atributes have the hightest priority while being deleted?

Another litle thing I noticed in the merchant job quest is that you in the merchant guild first you sign in, and you are given a serial XXXXXX then you have to talk to a NPC in the same building and give him that serial in exchange for a box. The point is that if you go directly to the place where you are suppose to carry the box without talking to the second NPC, the kafra of byaland behaves weirdly.

If you talk to her, no dialog apears, you can move freely as but the image of the kafra (Right-botom) apears and stays there. If you make a trade after that, the kafra disapears (the NPC itself).

This post has been edited by ArmisaelXVIII: Dec 16 2007, 07:49 AM