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Hercules Elf Bot
Nov 15, 2012 12:33
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Nov 20, 2012 4:08

Hercules Elf Bot - Nov 15, 2012 12:33

Originally posted by [b]Kabal[/b]
I used the command @mute on a player as follows: "@mute 30 John" and found the following problem:

The command is not counting the time correctly, if the character is on and for example the time drops to 25 minutes if they logout and login again, the count back to 30...

Could someone verify this?

Hercules Elf Bot - Nov 16, 2012 3:36

Originally posted by [b]Mysterious[/b]
Im pretty sure this is how Mute is supposed to be. Mute's time is supposed to go down only when the player stays online.. if they don't it gets reset. Although.. shouldn't mute's time be left the same as when they left? So, if they leave at lets say 25 minutes.. and relog, shouldn't it stay at 25 rather than jumping back up to it's regular time?..

If I remember correctly..the time use to start again where it left off.. o_o

Hercules Elf Bot - Nov 20, 2012 0:44

Originally posted by [b]mkbu95[/b]
When I played I thought it didn't matter relogging the counter stopped and then started again when I log on back. But this needs to be confirmed on a more actual field.

Hercules Elf Bot - Nov 20, 2012 4:08

Originally posted by [b]malufett[/b]
at first glance mute uses status change so the timer must be saved at last state and resumes in relog..anyway I'll try to look it deeper..:)
