Issue information

Issue ID
Working as Intended
Feb 26, 2013 1:11
Last Post
Feb 26, 2013 20:43

jTynne - Feb 26, 2013 1:11

The issue is that when wearing a GTB card using the following script:
bonus bNoMagicDamage,85;
(85% magic resist)

Magic Rod does NOT consume single-target spells as it should.

Ind - Feb 26, 2013 1:15

to my knowledge magic rod is supposed to always fail with gtb regardless of the percentage (code currently does that too)

jTynne - Feb 26, 2013 12:58

Hrm, logically though since the % is (likely?) custom, that it should be an option to absorb the single-target magic coming in still? I understand GTB blocks the magic damage in general, but confused why Magic Rod fails when a % is used instead of 100% immunity. Strangeness D:

Thanks Ind!

Ind - Feb 26, 2013 20:00

Its because it doesn't check for the value, as long as you have 1% it'll block[code=auto:0] //Status that are blocked by Golden Thief Bug card or Wand of Hermod if (status_isimmune(bl)) switch (type) { case SC_DECREASEAGI: case SC_SILENCE: case SC_COMA: case SC_INCREASEAGI: case SC_BLESSING: case SC_SLOWPOISON: case SC_IMPOSITIO: case SC_AETERNA: case SC_SUFFRAGIUM: case SC_BENEDICTIO: case SC_PROVIDENCE: case SC_KYRIE: case SC_ASSUMPTIO: case SC_ANGELUS: case SC_MAGNIFICAT: case SC_GLORIA: case SC_WINDWALK: case SC_MAGICROD: case SC_HALLUCINATION: case SC_STONE: case SC_QUAGMIRE: case SC_SUITON: case SC_SWINGDANCE: case SC__ENERVATION: case SC__GROOMY: case SC__IGNORANCE: case SC__LAZINESS: case SC__UNLUCKY: case SC__WEAKNESS: case SC__BLOODYLUST: return 0; } [/code]status_isimmune returns how much magic ignore you have, you can modify the SC_MAGICROD case if you like

jTynne - Feb 26, 2013 20:43

Gotcha-- Thanks! :)