Issue information

Issue ID
Jul 1, 2013 15:36
Last Post
Jul 31, 2013 17:21

Napster - Jul 1, 2013 15:36

ref : topic


Mysterious - Jul 1, 2013 15:52

Apparently it's been fixed o_O

This post has been edited by Mysterious on Jul 1, 2013 15:52

Napster - Jul 1, 2013 15:53

i don't know but hercules not fix -_-

[code=:0] /*========================================== * Show Monster DB Info v 1.0 * originally by [Lupus] *------------------------------------------*/ ACMD(mobinfo) { unsigned char msize[3][7] = {"Small", "Medium", "Large"}; unsigned char mrace[12][11] = {"Formless", "Undead", "Beast", "Plant", "Insect", "Fish", "Demon", "Demi-Human", "Angel", "Dragon", "Boss", "Non-Boss"}; unsigned char melement[10][8] = {"Neutral", "Water", "Earth", "Fire", "Wind", "Poison", "Holy", "Dark", "Ghost", "Undead"}; char atcmd_output2[CHAT_SIZE_MAX]; struct item_data *item_data; struct mob_db *mob, *mob_array[MAX_SEARCH]; int count; int i, j, k; memset(atcmd_output, '\0', sizeof(atcmd_output)); memset(atcmd_output2, '\0', sizeof(atcmd_output2)); if (!message || !*message) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1239)); // Please enter a monster name/ID (usage: @mobinfo <monster_name_or_monster_ID>). return false; } // If monster identifier/name argument is a name if ((i = mobdb_checkid(atoi(message)))) { mob_array[0] = mob_db(i); count = 1; } else count = mobdb_searchname_array(mob_array, MAX_SEARCH, message); if (!count) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(40)); // Invalid monster ID or name. return false; } if (count > MAX_SEARCH) { sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(269), MAX_SEARCH, count); clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); count = MAX_SEARCH; } for (k = 0; k < count; k++) { mob = mob_array[k]; // stats if (mob->mexp) sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(1240), mob->name, mob->jname, mob->sprite, mob->vd.class_); // MVP Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d) else sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(1241), mob->name, mob->jname, mob->sprite, mob->vd.class_); // Monster: '%s'/'%s'/'%s' (%d) clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(1242), mob->lv, mob->status.max_hp, mob->base_exp, mob->job_exp,MOB_HIT(mob), MOB_FLEE(mob)); // Lv:%d HP:%d Base EXP:%u Job EXP:%u HIT:%d FLEE:%d clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(1243), // DEF:%d MDEF:%d STR:%d AGI:%d VIT:%d INT:%d DEX:%d LUK:%d mob->status.def, mob->status.mdef,mob->status.str, mob->status.agi, mob->status.vit, mob->status.int_, mob->status.dex, mob->status.luk); clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(1244), // ATK:%d~%d Range:%d~%d~%d Size:%s Race: %s Element: %s (Lv:%d) mob->status.rhw.atk, mob->status.rhw.atk2, mob->status.rhw.range, mob->range2 , mob->range3, msize[mob->status.size], mrace[mob->status.race], melement[mob->status.def_ele], mob->status.ele_lv); clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); // drops clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1245)); // Drops: strcpy(atcmd_output, " "); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MOB_DROP; i++) { int droprate; if (mob->dropitem[i].nameid <= 0 || mob->dropitem[i].p < 1 || (item_data = itemdb->exists(mob->dropitem[i].nameid)) == NULL) continue; droprate = mob->dropitem[i].p; if (item_data->slot) sprintf(atcmd_output2, " - %s[%d] %02.02f%%", item_data->jname, item_data->slot, (float)droprate / 100); else sprintf(atcmd_output2, " - %s %02.02f%%", item_data->jname, (float)droprate / 100); strcat(atcmd_output, atcmd_output2); if (++j % 3 == 0) { clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); strcpy(atcmd_output, " "); } } if (j == 0) clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1246)); // This monster has no drops. else if (j % 3 != 0) clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); // mvp if (mob->mexp) { sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(1247), mob->mexp); // MVP Bonus EXP:%u clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); strcpy(atcmd_output, msg_txt(1248)); // MVP Items: j = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MVP_DROP; i++) { if (mob->mvpitem[i].nameid <= 0 || (item_data = itemdb->exists(mob->mvpitem[i].nameid)) == NULL) continue; if (mob->mvpitem[i].p > 0) { j++; if (j == 1) sprintf(atcmd_output2, " %s %02.02f%%", item_data->jname, (float)mob->mvpitem[i].p / 100); else sprintf(atcmd_output2, " - %s %02.02f%%", item_data->jname, (float)mob->mvpitem[i].p / 100); strcat(atcmd_output, atcmd_output2); } } if (j == 0) clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1249)); // This monster has no MVP prizes. else clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); } } return true; } [/code]

malufett - Jul 1, 2013 16:07

I can't see any difference between Ind's previous fixed to our current code..


Ind - Jul 1, 2013 16:12

[quote name="malufett" timestamp="1372694859"]
I can't see any difference between Ind's previous fixed to our current code..

:meow:[/quote]It looks like the luk was dropped out of the formula (up to you malufett to tell whether that formula they modified is correct or not), link from their repo

This post has been edited by Ind on Jul 1, 2013 16:12

Napster - Jul 1, 2013 16:28


i mean difference code in command
[code=:0] base_exp = mob->base_exp; job_exp = mob->job_exp; #ifdef RENEWAL_EXP if( battle_config.atcommand_mobinfo_type ) { base_exp = base_exp * pc_level_penalty_mod(sd, mob->lv, mob->status.race, mob->status.mode, 1) / 100; job_exp = job_exp * pc_level_penalty_mod(sd, mob->lv, mob->status.race, mob->status.mode, 1) / 100; } #endif [/code]
and[code=:0] #ifdef RENEWAL_DROP if( battle_config.atcommand_mobinfo_type ) { droprate = droprate * pc_level_penalty_mod(sd, mob->lv, mob->status.race, mob->status.mode, 2) / 100; if (droprate <= 0 && !battle_config.drop_rate0item) droprate = 1; } #endif [/code]
and[code=:0] #if defined(RENEWAL_DROP) || defined(RENEWAL_EXP) /*========================================== * Renewal EXP/Itemdrop rate modifier base on level penalty * 1=exp 2=itemdrop *------------------------------------------*/ int pc_level_penalty_mod(struct map_session_data *sd, int mob_level, uint32 mob_race, uint32 mob_mode, int type) { int diff, rate = 100, i; nullpo_ret(sd); diff = mob_level - sd->status.base_level; if( diff < 0 ) diff = MAX_LEVEL + ( ~diff + 1 ); for(i=0; i<RC_MAX; i++){ int tmp; if( mob_race != i ){ if( mob_mode&MD_BOSS && i < RC_BOSS ) i = RC_BOSS; else if( i <= RC_BOSS ) continue; } if( (tmp=level_penalty[type][i][diff]) > 0 ){ rate = tmp; break; } } return rate; } #endif [/code]
ps. this code from rA

malufett - Jul 1, 2013 17:04

[quote name="Ind" timestamp="1372695142"][quote name="malufett" timestamp="1372694859"]

I can't see any difference between Ind's previous fixed to our current code..

:meow:[/quote]It looks like the luk was dropped out of the formula (up to you malufett to tell whether that formula they modified is correct or not), link from their repo
I already fixed that before..:D


Ind - Jul 1, 2013 18:23

oh :D my bad

Ind - Jul 31, 2013 17:21

Thank you both