Issue information

Issue ID
Unable to Reproduce
Jan 28, 2014 19:43
Last Post
Sep 21, 2014 4:36

Beret - Jan 28, 2014 19:43

When I'm on the State of SC_BURNING for example and sit, when receiving damage my character will stand but I can not move because he is under the effect of sitting.

bgamez23 - Feb 3, 2014 4:15

same thing happen when you are sitting and you had been soul linked via npc. your character will stand up but you can't move.

Ind - Feb 19, 2014 2:46

in this case its due to status_damage not checking if you're sitting (the client sets the char to stand on its own when you get damage, the server lacks a check to virtually undo the sitting)[quote name="bgamez23" timestamp="1391400930"]
same thing happen when you are sitting and you had been soul linked via npc. your character will stand up but you can't move.[/quote]maynot be the same problem, what method is being used for the npc to soul link? (what script function)

Ind - Sep 21, 2014 4:36

I tried to reproduce using hell inferno, the char would receive the burning damage but remain sitting