Issue information

Issue ID
Unable to Reproduce
May 17, 2014 14:59
Last Post
May 21, 2014 10:05

Emistry - May 17, 2014 14:59

[code=:0] OnInit: setmapflag "<instance map>",<any mapflag>; end; [/code]
when player enter the instance map .... do @reloadscript

use @mapinfo check ..... the mapflag gone....

mapflag is removed in duplicated instance maps....but remain in the original map that used for instance script.

pan - May 19, 2014 15:45

I tried to reproduce this issue using the following script:[code=auto:0] id = instance_create("testing", getcharid(1)); instance_attachmap("prontera", id, 1, "test_prt"); instance_init(id); warp "test_prt", 150,150; end; OnInit: setmapflag "prontera",mf_nosave; end; [/code]I used @mapinfo when warped, then used @reloadscript, then I warped back to the instance and all information was correct. Could you please provide more information on how to reproduce this issue? Thank you.

This post has been edited by pan on May 19, 2014 15:47

Emistry - May 19, 2014 16:56


as you can see from the image ....
after @reloadscript ...
the mapflag for both [b]nomobloot[/b] and[b] nomvploot[/b] gone...

[size=4]both mapflag are set may script during @reloadscript using[/size][size=4] [/size][b][size=4] OnInit + setmapflag()[/size][/b]

Emistry - May 21, 2014 10:05

i think i found the problem source.... it's because setmapflag() isnt triggered yet when OnInstanceInit run so the mapflag isnt activated yet when the instance is reloaded.

to solve it..we have to add a minor delay for OnInstanceInit so that OnInit can initiate all the settings before OnInstanceInit run and reload the instance.