Issue information

Issue ID
Nov 12, 2014 10:01
Last Post
Anisotropic Defixation
Aug 25, 2015 10:04

Hadeszeus - Nov 12, 2014 10:01

When using banaspaty card to monster, it only gets burn status without burn damage. (Is this normal?)
But Dragons Breath (Fire) has burn damage.

Playtester - Nov 12, 2014 13:07

Banaspaty Card isn't implemented at the moment.

Emulator structure is designed so that you are supposed to link the "default skill" to the status change so that we know the default duration which is taken from duration2. This wasn't done properly ever since rAthena started.

Two problems:
- Several devs added skills with status changes but put their duration in duration1 rather than duration2, that means duration2 is 0ms even if linking was done correctly
- The linking of common ailments doesn't include the new status changes:[code=auto:0] //First we define the skill for common ailments. These are used in skill_additional_effect through sc cards. [Skotlex] set_sc( NPC_PETRIFYATTACK , SC_STONE , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF_ELE|SCB_DEF|SCB_MDEF ); set_sc( NPC_WIDEFREEZE , SC_FREEZE , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF_ELE|SCB_DEF|SCB_MDEF ); set_sc( NPC_STUNATTACK , SC_STUN , SI_BLANK , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_SLEEPATTACK , SC_SLEEP , SI_BLANK , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_POISON , SC_POISON , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF2|SCB_REGEN ); set_sc( NPC_CURSEATTACK , SC_CURSE , SI_BLANK , SCB_LUK|SCB_BATK|SCB_WATK|SCB_SPEED ); set_sc( NPC_SILENCEATTACK , SC_SILENCE , SI_BLANK , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_WIDECONFUSE , SC_CONFUSION , SI_BLANK , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_BLINDATTACK , SC_BLIND , SI_BLANK , SCB_HIT|SCB_FLEE ); set_sc( NPC_BLEEDING , SC_BLOODING , SI_BLOODING , SCB_REGEN ); set_sc( NPC_POISON , SC_DPOISON , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF2|SCB_REGEN );[/code]Only goes up to Deadly Poison.

To fix it, first you need to rewrite all the skills added since rAthena to use duration2 and also have duration2 defined in the skill_cast_db. Then look up which skill uses the default duration (for Burning we don't even have the default duration skill implemented -> should probably use NPC_WIDEBODYBURNNING, though) and link to it at the top (below the code I quoted).

Anisotropic Defixation - May 7, 2015 16:31

Any news on this?

Anisotropic Defixation - Aug 25, 2015 10:04

Bump, the solution from Playtester's post doesn't work, status is also ignoring minimum specified duration.

This post has been edited by Anisotropic Defixation on Aug 25, 2015 10:10