Issue information

Issue ID
Dec 28, 2014 10:41
Last Post
Dec 31, 2014 18:53
Yes (1)
No (0)

kyeme - Dec 28, 2014 10:41

This is my first time to use gdb and I don't know how to copy and paste..


This post has been edited by kyeme on Dec 28, 2014 10:59

Haru - Dec 28, 2014 17:50

What do you have at line 1605 of status.c?
In the current version pushed to the repository, we have:[code=auto:0] clif->msg((TBL_PC*)src, SKILL_CANT_USE_AREA); // This skill cannot be used within this area [/code]but that doesn't look like it can cause a crash. Is yours modified? What do you have at line 1605?

kyeme - Dec 28, 2014 18:27

Yes, my status.c is modified and i'm not using the latest version.
This is my Line 1605:[code=:0] if( skill_id == map->list[src->m].zone->disabled_skills[i]->nameid && (map->list[src->m].zone->disabled_skills[i]->type&src->type) ) { [/code]

Haru - Dec 28, 2014 20:26

Do you have a custom map_zone_db.conf?

kyeme - Dec 29, 2014 0:37

I have sir, (pre-renewal):

[spoiler][code=auto:0] //==================================================== //= _ _ _ //= | | | | | | //= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ //= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __| //= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \ //= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/ //= //= //==================================================== //= Hercules Map Zone Database [Ind/Hercules] //================ More Information ================== //= //= (TODO: replace with wiki link and detail the wiki page in a decent format ^) //==================================================== //================ Description ======================= //= A unlimited number of zones may be created, a zone //= may be used to create a set of disabled items, disabled skills //= and mapflags to be used by as many maps as one chooses. //= Maps can be linked to a specific zone through the zone mapflag //= '<map name><tab>mapflag<tab>zone<tab><zone name>'. //==================================================== //= Available types for 'disabled_skills': //= PLAYER, HOMUN, MERCENARY, MONSTER, PET, ELEMENTAL, MOB_BOSS, CLONE, ALL and NONE //==================================================== zones: ( { /* All zone is a dynamic (very special) zone that is forcebly inherited by ALL maps automatically */ name: "All" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_ALL_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { //both examples below disable napalm beat (id 11) to players //MG_NAPALMBEAT: "PLAYER" //ID11: "PLAYER" SL_ASSASIN: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { //Both examples below disable apple (id 501) //Apple: true //ID501: true Golden_Bug_Card: true Fallen_Bishop_Card: true B_Ygnizem_Card: true Rsx_0806_Card: true B_Shecil_Card: true Tao_Gunka_Card: true Thanatos_Card: true Turtle_General_Card: true Randgris_Card: true Apocalips_H_Card: true B_Harword_Card: true Orc_Hero_Card: true Orc_Load_Card: true Osiris_Card: true Pharaoh_Card: true Phreeoni_Card: true Knight_Windstorm_Card: true Ktullanux_Card: true Lady_Tanee_Card: true B_Seyren_Card: true Lord_Of_Death_Card: true Maya_Card: true Mistress_Card: true Moonlight_Flower_Card: true Gloom_Under_Night_Card: true B_Magaleta_Card: true B_Katrinn_Card: true Ifrit_Card: true Incant_Samurai_Card: true Kiel_Card: true Dark_Lord_Card: true Detale_Card: true Doppelganger_Card: true Dracula_Card: true Drake_Card: true Eddga_Card: true Dark_Snake_Lord_Card: true Garm_Card: true Amon_Ra_Card: true B_Eremes_Card: true Atroce_Card: true Bacsojin_Card: true Baphomet_Card: true Berzebub_Card: true Angeling_Card: true Archangeling_Card: true Ghostring_Card: true Deviling_Card: true Chimera_Card: true Dark_Illusion_Card: true Dragon_Fly_Card: true Eclipse_Card: true Goblin_Leader_Card: true Gryphon_Card: true Kobold_Leader_Card: true Mastering_Card: true Mutant_Dragon_Card: true Owl_Baron_Card: true Poison_Toad_Card: true Vocal_Card: true Maya_Puple_Card: true //Sword_Guardian_Card: true //Gemini_Card: true //Salamander_Card: true //Speed_Up_Potion: true } mapflags: ( "nocashshop", "loadevent", //"noloot", ) /* "command:min-group-lv-to-override" e.g. "heal: 70" */ disabled_commands: { //Example Below makes @heal be used in maps within this zone only by those group lv 70 and above //heal: 70 } skill_damage_cap: { //Exemple Below caps firebolt damage in maps within this zone to a maximum 50 damage, // (depends on HMAP_ZONE_DAMAGE_CAP_TYPE in src/config/core.h) // when cast vs players and monsters. //MG_COLDBOLT: (50,"PLAYER | MONSTER") } }, { /* Normal zone is applied to all maps that are not pkable (where players cant fight each other) */ /* However, it wont be applied to maps with its own zones (specified thru mapflag) */ name: "Normal" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_NORMAL_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { WM_LULLABY_DEEPSLEEP: "PLAYER" WM_SIRCLEOFNATURE: "PLAYER" WM_SATURDAY_NIGHT_FEVER: "PLAYER" SO_ARRULLO: "PLAYER" CG_HERMODE: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { } mapflags: ( ) }, { /* PvP zone is applied to all maps with a pvp mapflag */ name: "PvP" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_PVP_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { BS_GREED: "PLAYER" CG_HERMODE: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Greed_Scroll: true // Kyeme Wing_Of_Butterfly: true N_Butterfly_Wing: true Krieger_Muffler1: true Krieger_Shoes1: true Krieger_Suit1: true Krieger_Ring1: true Krieger_Ring2: true } mapflags: ( //"nocashshop", ) disabled_commands: { warp: 60 go: 60 load: 60 jump: 60 } }, { /* PK Mode zone is only used when server is on pk_mode (battle.conf), it applies to all pvp maps that don't have their own zone */ name: "PK Mode" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_PK_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { } disabled_items: { } /* PK Mode Damage Reductions */ /* - weapon_damage_rate -40% */ /* - magic_damage_rate -40% */ /* - misc_damage_rate -40% */ /* - long_damage_rate -30% */ /* - short_damage_rate -20% */ mapflags: ( "weapon_damage_rate 60", "magic_damage_rate 60", "misc_damage_rate 60", "long_damage_rate 70", "short_damage_rate 80", ) }, { /* GvG zone is applied to all maps with a gvg mapflag */ name: "GvG" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_GVG_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER" AL_WARP: "PLAYER" WZ_ICEWALL: "PLAYER" TF_BACKSLIDING: "PLAYER" RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER" WE_CALLPARTNER: "PLAYER" HP_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" HP_BASILICA: "PLAYER" CG_MOONLIT: "PLAYER" WE_CALLPARENT: "PLAYER" WE_CALLBABY: "PLAYER" CR_CULTIVATION: "PLAYER" NJ_KIRIKAGE: "PLAYER" CASH_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" BS_GREED: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Assumptio_5_Scroll: true Greed_Scroll: true Pty_Assumptio_Scroll: true // Kyeme Angra_Manyu: true } /* 5 second duration increase on GvG */ /* knockback disabled */ /* GvG Mode Damage Reductions */ /* - weapon_damage_rate -40% */ /* - magic_damage_rate -40% */ /* - misc_damage_rate -40% */ /* - long_damage_rate -20% */ /* - short_damage_rate -20% */ mapflags: ( "invincible_time_inc 5000", "noknockback", "weapon_damage_rate 60", "magic_damage_rate 60", "misc_damage_rate 60", "long_damage_rate 80", "short_damage_rate 80", "nocashshop", "gvg_noparty", ) disabled_commands: { glvl: 99 } }, { /* Battlegrounds zone is applied to all maps with a battlegrounds mapflag */ name: "Battlegrounds" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_BG_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */ disabled_skills: { AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER" AL_WARP: "PLAYER" WZ_ICEWALL: "PLAYER" TF_BACKSLIDING: "PLAYER" RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER" MO_BODYRELOCATION: "PLAYER" WE_CALLPARTNER: "PLAYER" HP_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" HP_BASILICA: "PLAYER" CG_MOONLIT: "PLAYER" WE_CALLPARENT: "PLAYER" WE_CALLBABY: "PLAYER" CR_CULTIVATION: "PLAYER" TK_RUN: "PLAYER" TK_HIGHJUMP: "PLAYER" SG_FEEL: "PLAYER" SG_SUN_WARM: "PLAYER" SG_MOON_WARM: "PLAYER" SG_STAR_WARM: "PLAYER" SG_SUN_COMFORT: "PLAYER" SG_MOON_COMFORT: "PLAYER" SG_STAR_COMFORT: "PLAYER" SG_HATE: "PLAYER" SG_SUN_ANGER: "PLAYER" SG_MOON_ANGER: "PLAYER" SG_STAR_ANGER: "PLAYER" SG_SUN_BLESS: "PLAYER" SG_MOON_BLESS: "PLAYER" SG_STAR_BLESS: "PLAYER" NJ_KIRIKAGE: "PLAYER" CASH_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Assumptio_5_Scroll: true Pty_Assumptio_Scroll: true } /* knockback disabled */ /* Battlegrounds Damage Reductions */ /* - weapon_damage_rate -30% */ /* - magic_damage_rate -30% */ /* - misc_damage_rate -30% */ /* - long_damage_rate -25% */ /* - short_damage_rate -25% */ mapflags: ( "noknockback", "weapon_damage_rate 70", "magic_damage_rate 70", "misc_damage_rate 70", "long_damage_rate 75", "short_damage_rate 75", ) }, { name: "Aldebaran Turbo Track" disabled_skills: { SM_ENDURE: "PLAYER" AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER" AL_WARP: "PLAYER" AL_CURE: "PLAYER" TF_HIDING: "PLAYER" WZ_ICEWALL: "PLAYER" AS_CLOAKING: "PLAYER" RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER" MO_BODYRELOCATION: "PLAYER" LK_CONCENTRATION: "PLAYER" LK_BERSERK: "PLAYER" HP_BASILICA: "PLAYER" WS_CARTBOOST: "PLAYER" ST_CHASEWALK: "PLAYER" CG_MOONLIT: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" GN_CARTBOOST: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Wing_Of_Fly: true Anodyne: true Green_Potion: true Panacea: true } }, { name: "Jail" disabled_skills: { TK_JUMPKICK: "PLAYER" TK_HIGHJUMP: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Wing_Of_Fly: true Wing_Of_Butterfly: true Giant_Fly_Wing: true WOB_Rune: true WOB_Schwaltz: true WOB_Rachel: true WOB_Local: true } }, { name: "Izlude Battle Arena" disabled_skills: { RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER" AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Wing_Of_Fly: true } }, { name: "GvG2" inherit: ( "GvG" ) /* will import all gvg has */ disabled_skills: { TK_HIGHJUMP: "PLAYER" SA_ABRACADABRA: "PLAYER" } }, { name: "Sealed Shrine" disabled_skills: { MG_SAFETYWALL: "PLAYER" AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER | MONSTER | HOMUN | MERCENARY" RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER | MONSTER" HP_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" CASH_ASSUMPTIO: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } disabled_commands: { recall: 99 partyrecall: 99 guildrecall: 99 guild: 99 } }, { name: "Memorial Dungeon" /* ETower, Orc's Memory, Nidhoggur's Nest, etc */ disabled_skills: { AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER | MONSTER | HOMUN | MERCENARY" WZ_ICEWALL: "PLAYER" RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER | MONSTER" PF_SPIDERWEB: "PLAYER" NPC_EXPULSION: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } disabled_commands: { recall: 99 partyrecall: 99 guildrecall: 99 guild: 99 } }, { name: "Towns" disabled_skills: { AM_CANNIBALIZE: "PLAYER" AM_SPHEREMINE: "PLAYER" CR_CULTIVATION: "PLAYER" BS_GREED: "PLAYER" SC_MANHOLE: "PLAYER" WM_POEMOFNETHERWORLD: "PLAYER" GN_WALLOFTHORN: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Greed_Scroll: true } }, { name: "No Recall Zone" disabled_skills: { } disabled_items: { } disabled_commands: { recall: 99 partyrecall: 99 guildrecall: 99 guild: 99 } }, { name: "RWC GvG Zone" inherit: ( "GvG" ) disabled_skills: { } disabled_items: { Smokie_Card: true Horong_Card: true } disabled_commands: { } } ) [/code]

This post has been edited by kyeme on Dec 29, 2014 0:41

kyeme - Dec 30, 2014 14:09

Another crash:

line 69:[code=auto:0] return g->skill[idx].lv; [/code]
clif.c line 9565[code=:0] guild->aura_refresh(sd,GD_LEADERSHIP,guild->checkskill(sd->guild,GD_LEADERSHIP)); [/code]

This post has been edited by kyeme on Dec 30, 2014 14:15

Haru - Dec 31, 2014 18:53

Taking ownership of the bug. Privately asking some settings to the user in order to be able to reproduce it.