Issue information

Issue ID
Working as Intended
Apr 2, 2015 13:11
Last Post
Jan 31, 2016 12:39

Emistry - Apr 2, 2015 13:11

as you can noticed from the group.conf
by default it come with a few group that have several commands or permission.

but do we have a complete list for the commands ?

if you're refering to this
nope, this isnt complete, or maybe I should say it's "not compatible"

certain commands you copy from the atcommands.txt and paste into the groups.conf to add it into specific group.
it will end up showing error, "command doesnt exist"

Garr - Apr 2, 2015 13:43

I made a full list when I downloaded herc at first by getting on 99 admin with all commands open, and imported the output of @commands. It doesn't output command aliases, like @rura. Also, this list was made back in August, so it's a bit outdated.
My result:[code=auto:0] @hominfo @homstats @homtalk @idsearch @iteminfo @jailtime @join @channel @monsterinfo @noask @accept @alootid @autoloot @autoloottype @commands @exp @font @help @invite @leave @main @me @memo @mobinfo @mobsearch @pettalk @rates @reject @showdelay @showexp @showzeny @time @uptime @where @whereis @who @who2 @whodrops @whosell @autotrade @breakguild @changeleader @duel @guild @party @partyoption @jail @jailfor @request @unjail @unmute @mute @charcommands @effect @heal @kill @killable @size @alive @allowks @blvl @broadcast @cash @changegm @changelook @displayskill @displaystatus @dye @follow @go @haircolor @hairstyle @hatch @hide @identify @jlvl @jobchange @jump @jumpto @kami @kamib @kamic @lkami @load @localbroadcast @mapinfo @model @monsterignore @mount @mount2 @mutearea @noks @option @points @questskill @recall @refresh @reset @save @skillid @skilltree @speed @spiritball @stats @summon @users @warp @who3 @whogm @whomap @whomap2 @whomap3 @allskill @allstats @dex @int @itemreset @lostskill @luk @skpoint @skreset @stpoint @str @streset @vit @kick @killmonster2 @misceffect @cartlist @accinfo @cleanarea @delitem @disguise @divorce @gat @glvl @guildrecall @guildstorage @homevolution @homfriendly @homhungry @homlevel @hommutate @homshuffle @itemlist @makehomun @marry @monster @npctalk @nuke @partyrecall @petfriendly @pethungry @petrename @pvpoff @pvpon @raisemap @set @showmobs @storage @storagelist @storeall @tonpc @undisguise @useskill @version @clearcart @cleargstorage @clearstorage @email @cleanmap @killer @monsterbig @monstersmall @changesex @clone @evilclone @fakename @feelreset @slaveclone @zeny @day @night @repairall @gvgoff @gvgon @mapflag @agi @item @item2 @itembound @itembound2 @makeegg @npcmove @produce @refine @setbattleflag @shownpc @skilloff @skillon @trade @ban @clearweather @unban @dropall @killmonster @block @hidenpc @unblock @sizeall @sizeguild @undisguiseall @undisguiseguild @addwarp @refreshall @agitend @agitend2 @agitstart @agitstart2 @disguiseall @disguiseguild @fireworks @fog @guildspy @kickall @leaves @loadnpc @partyspy @raise @addperm @adjgroup @clouds @clouds2 @gmotd @reloadatcommand @reloadbattleconf @reloaditemdb @reloadmobdb @reloadmotd @reloadpcdb @reloadquestdb @reloadscript @reloadskilldb @reloadstatusdb @rmvperm @sakura @send @snow @sound @unloadnpc @unloadnpcfile @auction @doom @doommap @mail @mapexit @recallall [/code]
Used the list to configure all groups :)

This post has been edited by Garr on Apr 2, 2015 13:46

Dastgir - Apr 2, 2015 14:12

Is this a bug ? :o
If you are referring to command does not exist, its mostly due to , it might be alias for it.
Check conf/atcommand.conf for aliases and and what you should use Instead of that aliases.

If you are saying, we should have complete list of atcommands, that might go in suggestions forum.

Marking as 'Working as Intended', comment if I misunderstood something :) ,

Emistry - Apr 2, 2015 15:22

I am not refering to the permission for "all_command"

I mean refer to only "specific" command. cases like this
I remember there are alot more command have the same output..

the documentation for
is either incomplete..or rather confusing at certain cases.

This post has been edited by Emistry on Apr 2, 2015 15:23

Dastgir - Apr 2, 2015 17:40

[quote name="Emistry" timestamp="1427988169"]
I am not refering to the permission for "all_command"

I mean refer to only "specific" command. cases like this
I remember there are alot more command have the same output..

the documentation for
is either incomplete..or rather confusing at certain cases.
[/quote]See [url=""][/url]
Battleignore is alias(alternate name) for monster ignore, thus they do the same thing.
Aliases can't be used in groups.conf. so If you enable monsterinfo, battleinfo will automatically be implemented.

Emistry - Apr 2, 2015 18:30

so the group.conf is read atcommand based on the alias set within the atcommand.conf ?

not from the atcommand list from the doc folder?

butasro - Jan 29, 2016 5:08

how to add @auction in regular players? i cant add the @auction in their commands,
auction: true?

Mysterious - Jan 31, 2016 12:39

[quote name="butasro" timestamp="1454044136"]
how to add @auction in regular players? i cant add the @auction in their commands,
auction: true?[/quote]Please don't use our tracker as a support section. Thank you.

This post has been edited by Mysterious on Jan 31, 2016 12:40