Issue information

Issue ID
May 28, 2015 9:13
Last Post
May 28, 2015 13:26

Shourei - May 28, 2015 9:13

The item skill ECL_SEQUOIADUST is triggered by item Yggdrasil Dust(12815).

According to the NPC Herb Merchant that exchange the item for Splendide coin
[url=""][/url][code=auto:0] mes "[Herb Merchant]"; switch (.@item){ case 0: mes "Snow Flip has special effects on ^3131FFBurning, Bleeding, Deep Sleep, Sleep^000000."; break; case 1: mes "Peony Mamy has special effects on ^3131FFFrost, Frozen, Freezing^000000"; break; case 2: mes "Slapping Herb has special effects on ^3131FFStun, Fear, Chaos, Hallucination^000000"; break; case 3: mes "Yggdrasil Dust has special effects on ^3131FFBlind, Curse, Decrease Agility, Reverse Orcish^000000."; break; [/code]On the other hand, skill.c noted that:
[url=""][/url][code=auto:0] case ECL_SEQUOIADUST: status_change_end(bl,SC_STONE,INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(bl,SC_POISON,INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(bl,SC_CURSE,INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(bl,SC_BLIND,INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(bl,SC_ORCISH,INVALID_TIMER); break; [/code]One or the other is wrong..
Which one do we follow?

Thank you.


Dastgir - May 28, 2015 13:26

Recover from stone curse, darkness, curse, poison and decrease agility
^ that should be the effect according to kRO description..
Let me confirm it from NPC.

NPC says same, client side is more updated, so I suppose, we have to believe in that.
[code=auto:0]Yggdrasil Dust has special effects on ^3131FFBlind, Curse, Decrease Agility, Reverse Orcish^000000.[/code]
Yet keeping it open for some days, if someone can get the proof from kRO that some of effects don't happen

This post has been edited by Dastgir on May 28, 2015 13:31